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Planning Board Minutes 11/10/16
Planning Board minutes for Thursday November 10, 2016

The meeting opened at 7:09.

Members present: Maggie Leonard, co-chair, Tom Sawyer, Stephen Enoch, co-chair, Richard Piepho, Roger Tryon.

There was no business from the public.

The minutes from 10-27-16 were read and approved as written.

The board discussed two family dwellings as they pertain to the Monterey zoning bylaws. We are not sure if you can get a building permit by-right or if it requires a special permit. Leonard copy/pasted all the sections in the zoning bylaws that refer to “two-family”. Leonard also said that she recalled that the land use lawyer, Mark Bobrowski, had said that one and two family dwellings are afforded the same rights and that the 2012 zoning bylaws revision reflects that. There was no information forthcoming from the Building Commissioner. Leonard will email him again.

Roger Tryon asked about solar installations in Monterey and the zoning bylaws. He noted that there were some large solar facilities being constructed in the area and wondered if such a thing was possible in Monterey. The board replied that, yes, it is possible to construct large solar arrays in Monterey with the proper permitting.

The mail has two public hearing notices from Great Barrington and one notice of an approved special permit for a mixed use development on Railroad Street, Great Barrington.

Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.